The Eastlake School Parent Teacher Association is dedicated to enhancing our children’s educational experience providing programs and enrichment that support students and staff.
Eastlake is an amazing school community with rich diversity, dedicated staff and supportive families. As we all navigate this unusual time together, the PTA continues its dedication to our children, staff and community.
NOW more than ever, COMMUNICATION will be vital.
Information from the PTA will be sent via email and Facebook.
In order to receive valuable information and updates, be sure you JOIN THE PTA and our Facebook page.
Click HERE to visit our new Eastlake PTA Website!
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2023-2024 PTA Board
Jennifer DiMaggio – President
Send Email to Jennifer DiMaggio
Marissa May-Vice President
Send Email to Marissa May
Roxanne Gazal –Treasurer
Send Email to Roxanne Gazal
Nivethetha Ramachandran – Secretary
Send Email to Nivethetha Ramachandran
5th Grade Chairperson: Gina Guerriero
Send Email to Gina Guerriero